13 Hair Tutorials for Bow Hairstyles
Hey, girls, do you want to get everything funny and pretty? To make things funny, you can start with your head and have a new look for your long hair. Today’s post is going to tell you how to add a funny bow to your hair without using a ribbon or a bow hair piece. Through the tutorials, you can make a bow with your own locks easily. You can make a bow when you style a ponytail, a top bun or a half up half down hair. The bow hairstyles can always bring an ultra-funny look to girls.
If you are interested in styling a funny hair look, you can check out the tutorials below. Hope you have a wonderful hairstyle by learning the post!
Stylish Bow Hair

Front Bow

Pretty Bow

Ponytail Bow

Braided Hair Bow

Fast Hair Bow

Easy Bow

Lady Gaga Hair Bow

Back Bow

Top Knot

Half up Half down

Pretty Bow Bun

Hair Bow

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