
How to Wash Your Face Correctly

You might think that, after washing your face for your entire life, you’re an expert on the practice. However, even though washing your face is a twice-daily habit you’ve developed over the years, you still might be making crucial mistakes. Many things you do while washing your face might be causing skin problems, including dryness, flakiness, or excessive breakouts. Take care of your skin by learning how to wash your face correctly through the tips in this post.

1. Cool Down the Water

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


Even though washing your face in warm or hot water might be more pleasant than blasting your skin with an icy spray, cold water is actually the optimal water temperature to use when washing your face.

Washing your face in water that is too hot opens up your pores and strips your skin of its natural oils. This can lead to your skin responding by either getting super dry or over-producing sebum and getting excessively oily. Wash your face in cold water instead to close up your pores and brighten your skin.

2. Stay Away From Microbeads

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


Microbeads are the tiny little bursting, exfoliating beads that are present in many common face wash formulas. You should never purchase a face wash that includes these little beads. While they might be cute and fun, microbeads are extremely bad for your skin. They can cause breakouts and excessive dryness after use. Plus, they’re so bad for the environment that they’ve actually been banned in many areas.

3. Go Natural

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


If you can, try to invest in an all-natural face wash. The skin on your face is extremely delicate, and it is more likely to get irritated to the point of dryness or breakouts by harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances present in many face wash formulas.

4. Only Cleanse Once a Day

You’re probably used to washing your face at least twice a day. However, washing your face too frequently can irritate your skin and lead to various skin problems like increased breakouts or flakiness. If you feel the need to wash your face twice per day, try to use face wash only once per day and stick to plain, lukewarm water for any additional rinses.

5. Rinse Thoroughly

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


One of the most common mistakes people make when washing their face is not rinsing their skin thoroughly enough after washing. After you finish applying face wash and start rinsing your skin, pay extra attention to your jawline, hairline, and the sides of your nose. These areas can be difficult to rinse all the way and face wash and makeup residue are often left there.

6. Blot, Don’t Rub

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


When you finish washing your face, it might be tempting to dry your dripping face by scrubbing a towel all over it. In reality, rubbing a towel all over your face can irritate your delicate skin and lead to redness and dryness. Instead of rubbing, blot your face very gently with a soft towel until it is completely dry.

7. Moisturize Immediately

How to Wash Your Face Correctly


The prime time to moisturize your skin is immediately after you wash your face. When your skin is still damp from your cleansing, it can absorb moisturizer more easily and gain more hydration from the moisturizer. After you rinse your face, try blotting it lightly to leave some water on your skin. Apply moisturizer immediately and let it sink into your skin before blotting further.

The next time you head to the sink at the end of a long day, use the tips in this post to remember how to wash your face correctly. Slightly altering your face-washing routine to comply with these tips can help you solve any skin problems you might have quickly and easily.

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