Different Ways to Use Your Straightener
We get it, your bathroom cabinet is already a bit packed. It feels impossible to mix up your style everyday – mostly because this often involves purchasing a variety of weirdly shaped gadgets and adding them to your already overflowing hair bin! It seems easier to just use the same ol’ straightener every day.
There is nothing wrong with sticking to comfort. So, we put together a few “how-tos” to aide you in finding new ways to use your straightener!
Style: Chalked Hair

Estimated Time: 10 minutes
Recommended Product: Sebastian Taming Elixir
How To: Okay, we know it sounds crazy but we promise it’s worth a try. To create temporarily colored ends all you have to do is purchase pastel chalk (try your local art store) and color the ends of your hair. To seal the color, take your straightener and run over the colored area. Tip: chalk hair outside or over the sink, it may get messy!
Style: Loose Bedhead Waves

Estimated Time: Under 10 minutes
Recommended Product: Sebastian Stylixir
How To: If you want to create very subtle and soft waves in your hair like Ashley Benson, simply braid your hair into roughly four sections. Run your flat iron over your braids a few times. Allow hair to sit in the braids for an additional five minutes. Run iron over one more time and take out braids. Shake hair and enjoy another effortless style!
Style: The Crimp

Estimated Time: 15-30 Minutes (depending on thickness of hair)
Recommended Product: Kenra Platinum Hot Spray 20
How To: If you want to get sleek crimps in your hair like Rihanna, all you have to do is section 1 inch off of hair. Take your flat iron to the root of your hair and twist your wrist back and forth slowly until you reach the ends of your hair. Repeat this process until all hair has been crimped.
Style: Sexy Waves

Estimated Time: 15-30 Minutes (depending on thickness of hair)
Recommended Product: DevaCurl Spray Gel
How To: To get sexy, undone curls like Lauren Conrad, simply wrap one inch sections of hair around your flat iron, near the scalp. Similar to curling a ribbon with scissors, pull the iron away from hair until you reach the ends. Twist curl with fingers until desired look is achieved.
You can use your straightener for more than creating a fabulous hairstyle. It can also be a wardrobe lifesaver! Use it to iron those hard to reach, little spots on your clothes. In particular around pockets, between buttons, and hemlines. Straighten with caution, though — Do NOT use on silks or sensitive fabrics.
Do you have tips for getting out of a hair tool rut?